Virtual Guest Book Ideas

Ah, we all love a good wedding guest book. It’s a keepsake the newlyweds will get to cherish forever and will remind them of their union and those they love whenever they flip open its pages. Plus, it’s equally as fun for guests who more than likely didn’t get the chance to express in-person how they felt about you tying the knot. A win-win for both. Since so many weddings are going virtual these days, it’s hard for folks to actually sign something in person so we came up with a few alternatives for doing so! Take a peek! 

Make Your Guest Book Virtual

Say you were to book a wedding live streaming service like LoveStream (hint, hint), then you’d have the option to have a virtual guest book. Any digital partygoers could leave comments and well-wishes on your stream ahead of time and those love notes could then be turned into a bound guest book that we send to you later on.

Mad Libs

Ok, totally in love with this idea. When mailing out your invitations (whether via snail mail or with an e-vite) include a Mad Libs-inspired sheet that guests can fill out and then send back to you. You could read these on your live stream or at a later date. No doubt, they will be highly entertaining.


Guest books don’t have to be limited to just books, you know. Get crafty and go for something you can put to good use like a game of Jenga perhaps. Mail each guest a Jenga piece and have them write a sweet note and add their signature. Even better if it’s Giant Jenga!

Advice Cards

The first year of marriage, and probably ever year after that, is a learning experience for couples so go ahead and ask for marriage advice from others who’ve hit some milestone anniversaries. Mail out advice cards and prepare to be enlightened upon their return.

Photo credit: Kelsey Halm Photo


Wedding Safety Precautions


Vendors: How to Add in a Virtual Wedding