How to Ask Wedding Guests to Wear Face Masks

Updated: October 1, 2021

Photo credit: Easterday Creative

Photo credit: Easterday Creative

When we first published this article over a year ago, we had no idea we’d still be talking about this. But here we are! Not much has changed, but we have some fun new ways to talk to your guests about masks. 

The good news: no one is going to be surprised when you ask them to wear masks at your wedding. Face masks have become such an integral part of society that it won't come as a shock if you ask your guests to don their favorite facemask (after all - we all likely have a few by now).

Your wedding is coming up. You’ve already cut the guest-list to meet gathering restrictions, invited your loved ones to join you online for your wedding live stream, nixed the dance floor and opted out of a buffet dinner. 

One big question remains about weddings during COVID: should guests wear masks? What about bridesmaids, groomsmen, and the happy couple themselves? How does it change if the guest is vaccinated?

Weddings and other social events are still risky, as evidenced by those labeled as “super spreader” events. While your upcoming wedding might look a little different than you initially imagined, the safety of yourselves, guests and vendors is incredibly important.

Photo credit: JeffreyLynnMedia Photography

Photo credit: JeffreyLynnMedia Photography

What the Experts Say: 

Many regions have implemented guidelines requiring people to wear masks in public spaces, and the CDC says the following about mask-wearing: 

  • CDC recommends that people wear masks in public settings and when around people who don’t live in your household, especially when other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain.

  • Masks may help prevent people who have COVID-19 from spreading the virus to others.

  • Masks are most likely to reduce the spread of COVID-19 when they are widely used by people in public settings.

If your local area has guidelines about wearing masks in public spaces, consider your wedding to count as a public space and ask that guests wear masks.

Masks or Proof of Vaccine for Wedding

Lately, engaged couples have been turning to an either-or situation. Either guests show proof of vaccination, or they wear a facemask during the event. Sometimes this is the personal choice of the couple and other times it’s required by the wedding venue. 

As we discuss some ways to ask guests to wear masks or proof of vaccine, keep in mind that this has been a touchy subject. You and your loved ones might not always see eye-to-eye, so approach this dilemma with compassion and empathy.

Wording for Masks at Weddings

Asking Wedding Guests to be Vaccinated

It used to be uncouth to ask friends about their personal medical history, but times have changed. While it’s okay to request that guests are vaccinated or masked up at your wedding, it’s generally not acceptable to ask why they are not vaccinated or wearing a mask. 

If you are asking that guests are vaccinated before attending your event, feel free to sample the following wording on your wedding website

  • In order to keep everyone safe, we ask that you are fully vaccinated if you choose to attend our wedding. If you will not be fully vaccinated by our wedding date, we invite you to join us virtually via our wedding live stream. Thank you for understanding! 

Or, try this fun option: 

  • Shots for Shots - bring your proof of vaccination card to our wedding, and join the newlyweds in a free round of shots! 

Photo credit: Wiley Putnam

Photo credit: Wiley Putnam

Asking Non-Vaccinated Wedding Guests to Wear Masks

It’s likely that someone at your event will not be vaccinated, whether it’s for a health reason, religious reason or personal reason. In that case, be sure to provide them an option if you’d still like them to attend your event. Try the following:

  • Due to the ongoing pandemic, we ask that any guests who have not been fully vaccinated by the time of our event wear a mask at all times, except while eating or drinking. Doing this will allow everyone to enjoy themselves in the safest way possible! 

Asking Vaccinated Wedding Guests to Wear Masks

What if you’re in a situation where you feel most comfortable with everybody wearing a facemask to your wedding, regardless of vaccine status? That’s okay, too! And ultimately, that’s shown to be the safest option if gathering in a large group. For couples going this route, try the following wording: 

  • We kindly request that all guests, regardless of vaccination status, wear a facemask to our wedding. We understand that local regulations may not currently require facemasks, however we have chosen to enforce this at our wedding in order to keep everybody as safe as possible. 

Issues with Masks

While many couples request that masks be worn at their weddings, some guests will start the event in a mask, then remove it for pictures or eating and never replace it. If guests are only wearing masks for the first hour of a four-hour event, then what is even the point?

This is when you will need to encourage guests to keep their masks on as much as possible during the wedding. In addition, you can also help to facilitate social distancing at your wedding. While social distancing and masks can both help to prevent the spread of germs, the combination of both offers even more protection.

Get Stylish with Your Wedding Mask

No one said you have to wear a blue surgical mask for your wedding pictures. Consider utilizing your mask as another accessory. For those who want to match their mask to their wedding dress, there are tons of gorgeous face masks on Etsy that feature lace, beading, and embroidery on white, ivory, and blush fabric. For folks looking for something to amp up their suit, look for a face mask in a luxury fabric that matches the color of your suit or tie.

Photo credit: Lacy Matusek Photography

Photo credit: Lacy Matusek Photography

Asking wedding guests to wear masks without making it weird.

Now here is the big question: how do you ask your guests to wear a mask to your wedding? You wouldn’t specify that they wear socks or a bow in their hair, so what’s the best way to approach asking them to wear a mask? Is it weird to ask guests to wear something specific? When it comes to health and safety - there’s nothing weird about it! But we get that it can be a little awkward. So we’ve compiled some non-awkward ways to go about this on wedding day. 

  1. Masks as wedding favors – What better way to commemorate a 2020-2021 wedding than with a face mask wedding favor? Bonus points if you can get them customized with your wedding date and names! Extra bonus points: include a mini hand sanitizer as well.

  2. Make it a game – Who doesn’t love a little friendly competition? Anyone caught without their mask has to do the chicken dance in front of everybody.

  3. Have fun with it – Incorporate mask-wearing into your invitations and try to think of a fun phrase with it. We like: Mask Up for Matrimony, I Masked Her to Marry Me, or Join Us for an aMASKing Time.

  4. Lead by example – When the happy couple and wedding party are in masks, everyone else is more likely to wear theirs as well. If you are taking unmasked photos with your wedding party, be sure to replace your mask immediately after.

Mask Up Your Wedding Invitations

You can easily add mask specifications to your actual wedding invitations in addition to your wedding website. Make your expectations clear on your wedding invitations if you are going to want your guests to wear a face mask. Add something like this to your invite:

Masks will be required for all unvaccinated guests.

Short, sweet, and to-the-point. Most guests will be totally understanding of this request. If not – or if they are worried about being in a social gathering in general – remind them that they can attend your wedding live stream so they can participate in a way that keeps them comfortable.


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