How Many People Should You Invite to Your Wedding?


Guest lists are tricky, tricky, tricky… so here we go! How many people you invite to your wedding depends on a number of factors, all of which are highly personal. It is critical that you and your partner are making these decisions on what is most important to you, or else you won’t be happy with the end result. There are questions you can ask yourself or your partner to help you decide on the number of people attending your wedding that make the decision process easier!


Do you like a casual night in with a few close friends, or do you prefer going out on a town with a huge crowd? This question is a great place to start for two reasons: it helps you decide the number of people to invite AND the type of wedding you want. Many people think having a small wedding means having a boring wedding – that couldn’t be further from the truth! But, if you’re an extrovert who loves to be around as many people as possible, a small wedding might not be your cup of tea. If you and your partner are both introverts and don’t care for big crowds, a big wedding would be stressful. Make sure that your size and style are reflective of you and your relationship.


Do you want this to be all about others, or all about you? This might seem like a moot question, but hear us out: your parents, family, friends and random strangers will offer you opinions on your big day. You’ll also feel slightly obligated to please them, no matter how much you want to make your own decisions. An important point to remember is that it is YOUR day. Choose YOUR favorite food for dinner, YOUR favorite songs for the reception, YOUR favorite dress.

However, if you deeply care about your guests having fun and want them to enjoy the night the most, then make choices that both of you will enjoy. Now let’s frame this question in the lens of many people you’re going to invite. Your mom might want you to invite your extended family, your friends might all want plus ones, your sister might want to invite a friend… all of those guests add up. Make sure that in giving in to those requests you’re doing what is best for you and your spouse. 


Does your budget allow you to maximize? Another important question. Guest list size is one of the biggest contributors to the cost of a wedding. If you’re working with a smaller budget, consider fewer people, and if you can swing it, go for a nicer venue or catering option. Be cognizant of your budget and make choices that will benefit you in the short and long-term.


If you’ve asked yourself all of these questions and you’re still struggling with your guest list, we’re here to help. LoveStream allows you to have an unlimited guest list by live streaming your wedding through an HD, easy-to-use platform. No more leaving guests out, hurting feelings or killing your budget.

Photo Credit: Uptown Indigo


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