The Most Popular Holidays to Get Married On

It’s almost Valentine’s Day! The holiday that celebrates love and romance. So, what better time to talk about holiday weddings.


While you may think that February 14th falls into one of the top days to have a wedding, you might be surprised to know that it actually isn’t all that common. According to Wedding Wire, Valentine’s day is number 9 in a list of the top 10 holidays to get married on. February falls in the wedding off-season, which typically lasts from December through March when the weather isn’t always the nicest for traveling and most areas are limited to indoor events.


So, what are the big days for holiday weddings?

In the US, it’s all about three-day weekends. Memorial Day, Labor Day and Columbus Day round out the top three. Three-day weekends open up the option for couples to have Sunday weddings without the majority of guests needing to return to work on Monday. Since many venues are less expensive on Sundays opposed to Saturdays, this makes it the perfect option for couples who want a weekend wedding.


Another popular holiday to get married on is New Year’s Eve. Perhaps one of the most celebratory holidays, it’s the perfect time to tie the knot, symbolizing moving into a new life together as you also move into a new calendar year. If you do throw a New Year’s Eve wedding, keep in mind that many guests will be hoping for a true party – meaning it’s time to get planning and go all-in on the reception.


While holiday weddings aren’t all that popular in the grand scheme of things, holiday proposals certainly are, with Christmas Day, New Year’s and Valentine’s Day all being popular options according to a study done by Wedding Wire.


Should You Get Married on a Holiday?

This is the big question, isn’t it? There are a lot of opinions about whether or not getting married on a holiday breaks any sort of unspoken protocol about weddings. There are a few holidays that are trickier to work with than others. For example, Thanksgiving is a day that many people spend with their families and may not prioritize attending a wedding, and many vendors might not be working that day.


There are other holidays that people might have a yearly tradition for that they don’t want to give up, such as the Fourth of July. So, be sure to consider these things when choosing the date for your wedding.


And while three-day weekends make for popular wedding days, many people have already planned vacations around that time.


Whichever day you get married on, though, there will always be someone who can’t make it to the event. So, be sure to live stream your wedding with LoveStream so that everyone can attend, even if they’re celebrating a long weekend at the beach!

photo credit: Sarah Larae Photography


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