Small Wedding, Big Guest List


Small wedding, big guest list. Sounds kind of like having your cake and eating it too – impossible. However, that’s not true. Whether you have a budget that’s too small for the big wedding you wanted, or you’re looking to cut your guest list without upsetting and offending others, LoveStream is the solution. With us, you can have your cake and eat it too. Let’s walk through how we make it happen.

With LoveStream, you get an unlimited guest list. Yes, that’s right! Forget a big guest list, yours can be unlimited! If you’re worried about leaving someone out, don’t be. Our streaming platform was created just for you and all the people you love. LoveStream allows you to keep people on your guest list that you couldn’t imagine getting the cut. 

So many people have family and friends in other countries that are simply unable to make it to their big day. With LoveStream, your stream can be viewed virtually anywhere, guaranteeing that your guests don’t miss your wedding due to being an ocean away. Plus, with DVR-like capabilities, time zones are not a problem. Your guest can watch your wedding live or wait to join in on the festivities. We know not everyone wants to wake up at 2:00 AM to watch their friend’s wedding.

Downsizing your wedding doesn’t have to mean downsizing your guest list. With LoveStream, you can invite as many people as you want to join in the celebrations of your marriage. With affordable packages and easy set-up, we’re here to make sure no one else has to struggle with their guest list.

Ready to buy? Check out our wedding live stream packages.

Photo Credit: Rob + Kristen Photography


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