How to Reduce Stress Before Your Wedding

Many consider their wedding day to be the happiest day of their lives. It also often ends up being the most stressful day! If you ask us, that shouldn’t be the case.


Part of preventing stress on wedding day is planning ahead and delegating tasks. This also means enlisting the help of professionals to ensure everything goes smoothly (including for live streaming your wedding – LoveStream will handle all of the moving pieces for you so you can just focus on your wedding day).


Here are a few other good ways to de-stress in the days leading up to your wedding.


Go for a walk.

Exercise is a proven reducer of stress, and you don’t even have to do anything too crazy. Getting out into the fresh air, feeling the sun on your face and connecting with the world around you is the perfect way to ease your mind. Find a natural area and take a few deep breaths, you’ll instantly feel better.


Take a bath.

Baths are one of the quintessential relaxing activities. But you have to do it right! Have a cold drink or a frozen treat to keep you from getting too warm – because we all know a hot bath can go from relaxing to uncomfortable in a matter of minutes. Light some candles, grab your favorite bath bomb and put on something to distract your mind – such as a podcast or a TV show.


Drink lots of water.

Have you ever felt physically awful, drank a bunch of water and realized that maybe you were just dehydrated? It’s so easy to forget to take care of our most basic needs. Treat yourself to a cute reusable water bottle and sip away all day to stay relaxed before your wedding.


Don’t forget to eat!

When you are running around trying to put pieces in place for a wedding, you might not even notice that you need to eat. Fuel your body with a good balance of healthy food and treats leading up to your wedding.


Make a list.

Finally, make a to-do list. Stop trying to keep track of every little thing in your head – that’s what will keep you up at night! Instead, one of the best ways to reduce stress leading up to your wedding is to have a running to-do list. That way, you can write down tasks instead of trying to remember them.


Stressed About Wedding Guests?

If you’re stressed about who will and won’t be able to make it to your wedding, we can help. By adding a virtual element to your wedding, you can relax knowing that everyone will be able to be a part of your big day, even if they can’t physically be there. Book a meeting today to discuss your upcoming wedding.

photo credit: Aline Marin Photography 


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