How Many People Will Really RSVP to Your Wedding?

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The stress of waiting for RSVPs to roll in can be overwhelming. Worrying you invited too many people or could’ve invited others is no fun and can put a damper on the planning experience. If only there were a perfect number or equation that will give you the exact amount of people who will say yes or no…spoiler – there isn’t, but we do have a pretty good estimation.


While multiple sources report different numbers, we found the highest estimated number and recommend thinking in terms of it (you’d rather have more food and chairs than not enough, right?)


In an article by The Knot they state that nearly 85% of people will RSVP yes, with 15% saying no. The odds are definitely in your favor for a swift majority of people attending. However, there are extenuating factors to take into account.


For instance, is it a holiday weekend? People tend to be out of town and make holiday plans far before the date, meaning they could already be booked on a family vacation or get-together with friends. Another thing to think about is what season it is. If it’s summertime, a lot of people are on vacation, and you might expect fewer people to RSVP.


Worrying about how many people will or will not RSVP to your wedding is somewhat out of your control. As long as you invited as many people as you can handle, you should be good to enjoy your big day! With LoveStream, you don’t have to stress, because you can invite as many people as you want to tune in virtually, without stressing about physical head count. Let us help you maximize your options and enjoy your day!


Photo credit: Fanciful Ink


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