All About Weekday Weddings

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Traditionally, most weddings are held on weekends. It simplifies travel, work commitments and more. But now, in a world different than what the traditional wedding industry was created in, we’ve found that weekday weddings don’t just work as an option, they work really well. If you’re having a smaller wedding, a virtual wedding, a wedding on a budget or anything in between, consider a weekday wedding – here’s why.


1.     They’re significantly cheaper. Weddings are expensive, there’s no doubt about that. If you want to save some dough and spend it on elevated decorations, exciting catering or that new home mortgage, then choose a weekday wedding. Most venues cost significantly less during the week, and some vendors will offer discounts or incentives for choosing a weekday option instead of a weekend.

2.     Work has changed. Thanks to COVID, the way we work has changed. Now, we’re able to work more flexibly than we did before. With some companies offering unlimited PTO, flexible daily hours, and remote work options, it isn’t as much of an inconvenience to have an event during the week. It’s still important to consider peoples’ work schedules, but with all of the advancements we’ve made, working from home, an airport, or a hotel is easier than ever.

3.     You’re not looking for a big wedding. On the flipside, less people might be able to attend if you’re having a weekday wedding. That’s okay though, because if you’re looking for a more intimate wedding, you’ll have a much smaller guest list, full of people who wouldn’t miss your big day for the world. They won’t mind watching you marry on a Monday if that’s what you really want to do!

4.     You’re having a fully virtual wedding. If you use LoveStream and choose to have a fully virtual wedding, then people can watch it whenever and wherever. Location or time won’t matter! With LoveStream, your wedding will play like DVR, so guests can watch it live or after the ceremony started (even after it’s finished)!


Weekday weddings certainly aren’t for everyone, but they’re a little-considered option that everyone should think about. Whether you’re looking to save money on your wedding or want to go virtual, having a weekday wedding just might be the perfect option for you.


Photo Credit: Samantha Laffoon Photography


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