5 Things You're Forgetting with Your Virtual Wedding

When wedding day rolls around, there is always something a couple forgets. A virtual wedding is no exception, but the things couples can forget are a little bit different.

Charge Your Streaming Device

There is nothing worse at a virtual wedding then the stream cutting out in the middle of your vows. You won’t know it until after the fact and all of your guests will have missed out on the moment they were looking forward to. Make sure the device you are using to live stream your wedding on is fully charged. Better yet, just plug the device in for the day and leave it plugged in!

Turn your Device on Do Not Disturb

Almost as bad as a dying phone or computer is a phone or computer that won’t stop dinging with notifications. No one wants to listen to that and when you re-watch your stream, you won’t want to listen to that either.

 A Virtual Wedding Guest Book

Especially since your guests aren’t going to all be there, a guest book is even more important to have so they can send their well wishes. Not sure how to do a virtual guestbook? Well, with LoveStream we give you one included!

Share Your Link

A virtual wedding is a great thing for guests who can’t or don’t want to travel to your wedding, whatever the reason may be. But if you forget to send the link out for your live stream, the whole point of a virtual wedding goes out the window! 

Chill the Champagne

Just because no one is there with you to cheers with, doesn’t mean you should have to toast yourselves! Don’t forget to chill the champagne so you can toast to your future at the end of the day.

Ready to Stream Your Wedding?

LoveStream by Bustld makes it easy to stream your wedding to an unlimited number of guests. Be sure to gather your vendors from our wedding vendor database and save the date for your big day!


Photo credit: Alisha Rudd Photography


Vendors: How to Add in a Virtual Wedding


How to Achieve the Best Virtual Guest Experience