How to Keep Your Wedding Plans Adaptable

Benjamin Franklin said, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” But we all know that even the best-laid plans often do not go perfectly – and wedding planning is no exception. Thankfully, changing plans doesn’t have to mean a disaster of a wedding day. Wedding plans shouldn’t be set in stone. Instead, they should be flexible – to an extent – so that if last minute issues come up, your big day can still be just as special.


Read Your Contracts

Before you sign your vendor contracts, read through them thoroughly to understand what you are agreeing to. Can you get your deposit back if your wedding date changes? What happens if the vendor goes out of business?


While some vendors might not make changes to their contracts, others could add in a special cancellation policy given the circumstances.


Marriage is the Goal

Always, always remember that the goal of a wedding is to be married. The rest is just gravy on the potatoes. So, if your big reception doesn’t quite happen – it’s okay. You can always throw a big party later.


Have a Support Team

Have a personal support team, as well as a professional support team. Your personal support team can include your parents, your siblings or your wedding party. This will be who you lean on for emotional support, as well as who you can delegate tasks to when needed.


Your professional support team can include your wedding planner if you are using one or your venue coordinator. These people can help you work out the logistical details when plans change.


Keep Detailed Notes

Adapting to changing wedding plans is so much easier when you don’t have to go fishing through your email inbox and text messages to find vital information.


Keep a folder, either virtual or physical, with the contact information, contracts, receipts and invoices from all of your vendors. Keep notes of all of your conversations with them so that you can reference them as needed and remember key details for each vendor.


Include a Virtual Option

One of the biggest “what ifs” about wedding planning is what if somebody (or everybody!) can’t make it. What happens then?


Last year showed us that plans can change drastically in the blink of an eye. That said, planning a live stream wedding as part of your day can ensure that even if your guest list is slashed or somebody misses their flight, nobody will miss the actual wedding.


LoveStream is thrilled to have hosted over 250 virtual weddings, and we’d love to help ensure all of your friends and loved ones can help you celebrate your upcoming wedding, regardless of whether or not they can be there in person.


Pros and Cons of Live Streaming Your Wedding on Facebook


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