How Many People Should You Invite to a Weekday Wedding?

Weekday weddings are complicated. We love couples taking advantage of weekday discounts and having their wedding on a day that best suits them. But on the other hand, it’s difficult to have everyone you hope for in attendance because it’s a weekday and they are most likely working.

Lots of people have questions surrounding the weekday wedding debacle: how many people they should invite to a weekday wedding, is it rude to invite someone you know who lives out of town, do you have to have it late or can you have it in the middle of the day? The questions abound, but we have some answers! Read along and we’ll discuss all things weekday weddings.


It’s important to consider who you’re inviting. If your guest list consists of a large number of out-of-town guests, your wedding might be significantly smaller than what you planned for. If you’re only inviting people in town, then your number will probably be around the average. It’s a lot easier for someone to take a half-day off of work to attend a wedding down the road than it is for someone to take a few days off for an out-of-town wedding.


There is no perfect number for who to invite to your weekday wedding. You can invite whoever you want, and as many people as you want. With that being said, it’s important to remember that many people might not be in attendance due to the timing of it. Just consider the RSVP ‘yes’ rate is much lower for weekday weddings than it is for weekend weddings. However, don’t go overboard, because you don’t want to be in a situation where more people RSVP than you can handle.


If you’re having a weekday wedding and are worried about guest count, we can help. LoveStream was created to handle these exact problems. With our easy-to-use wedding live streaming platform, you can invite as many people as you want! Worrying about who can attend is a thing of the past, because with LoveStream, everyone can. Check out our wedding live stream packages and see what fits your big day best.

Photo Credit: Samantha Laffoon


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